Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DVD Releases for March 2nd

2012 – B (Gotta Rent)
Given the 200+ million dollar budget, there is really only one reason to watch 2012, and that is it’s impressive visuals. The story is based on the belief that the Mayan calendar predicts the world will end in 2 years. As the world begins to come to its inevitable demise, John Cusack must find a way to protect and save his family from their impending doom. The story is pretty stupid and the end result isn’t much better. Although I think this film was supposed to be serious (dealing with the end of the world and all) it actually comes across as quite humorous. Woody Harrelson is quite funny as he plays a crazy conspiracy theorist that knows what is coming. The absolute ridiculousness of the action scenes aren’t all that riveting and suspenseful, but rather make you laugh at how someone could actually come up with such an insane scene. The movie could be a little terrifying to those that believe this will actually happen in a few years, but to most everyone else it’ll be a good laugh and some nice eye candy with its impressive CGI.

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