Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DVD Releases for February 2nd

Zombieland - A (Gotta Own)

Anyone who likes Zombie movies or even a good comedy should watch Zombieland. It takes the concept of the end of the world via man-eating corpses and turns it into a hilarious comedy. It’s basically an American version of Shaun of the Dead, replacing British humor with good ole fashion guns and Twinkies. Woody Harrelson, Abigail Breslin, Emma Stone and Jesse Eisenberg all star as the misfit group of survivors doing anything they can to both survive, and track down the elusive last packs of Twinkies. Harrelson is hilarious as the redneck of the group, trying to get "Zombie killer of the week". I had my reservations for this going in as I was not a fan of Shaun of the Dead, and the trailer didn’t really have anything special to convince me that this would be worth a watch. That being said, I thought it was one of the best zombie flicks that have been made, and by far the funniest. Everyone looking for a laugh or a fresh take on zombies should watch this film.

Love Happens – C+ (Wait for It)
The most appealing reason to watch Love Happens is because its filmed and takes place in Seattle. It stars Aaron Eckhart as a self-help motivational speaker who just recently lost his wife, and Jennifer Aniston as a woman that has sworn off men, that is until she meets Eckhart. The main problem with this movie is that it barely develops Aniston’s character, to the point that she shouldn’t even really be in the movie. If the entire movie just focused on the fact that Eckhart is professing all these ways to overcome the death of a loved one, yet he hasn’t even come to terms with the death of his own wife. It should have been a drama solely about Eckhart, and not try to be just another Romantic Comedy. It has its touching moments, however they would have been there without Aniston anyways. I’d say this is a complete Don’t Bother but since there isn’t very many films that take place locally, it’s nice to see one, even if it isn’t all that good.

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