Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DVD Releases for February 16th

Law Abiding Citizen – A- (Gotta Rent)

Finally Gerard Butler has come out with a movie worth watching since 300, 4 years ago. His latest movies have all either been horrible action movies (Gamer, Rocknrolla) or terrible romantic comedies (Ugly Truth). Law Abiding Citizen however is a great action-drama about a man who takes the law into his own hands when his wife and child are brutally murdered. Jamie Foxx plays a lawyer for the DA’s office that made a deal with the murderer of Butler’s family, essentially letting him off scot-free. Butler’s revenge is unrelenting and targets anyone and everyone who was remotely involved in the case. It has plenty of drama, action and twists that keep you enthralled until its climactic ending. It’s quite a bit more graphic then I was expecting, violence wise, but I guess that should be expected with Butler as its main star. The movie points out a lot of the flaws of our justice system and the ways in which it can manipulated and even circumvented altogether. It’s definitely worth a watch and maybe even a purchase after you know how it ends.

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