Wednesday, March 17, 2010

DVD Releases for February 23rd

The Box – C (Wait for It)

It takes about 20 minutes or so to realize that you are watching another complete mind-trip of a film by Richard Kelly, the same guy that brought us Donnie Darko and Southland Tales. The Box starts off as a drama with an intriguing storyline, and then becomes seemingly random science fiction movie that instead of a giant bunny has Santa Claus. The movie just gets more and more confusing as it progresses, making very little sense. I’m starting to wonder if big name actors like Cameron Diaz even read through a whole script before collecting their paycheck. This may become a cult classic like Donnie Darko that you must watch a few times to even begin to understand what is going on. If you’re looking for a good drama with some sci-fi elements then get the “Cube” series or Donnie Darko itself. Otherwise be prepared to watch this a couple of times to have any clue of what you’ve just watched.

Sorority Row - B- (Wait for It)
Sorority Row is a B- movie when compared to other movies of its genre, as it will ultimately please who it is geared towards. Teenagers looking for a slasher flick that doesn’t include an unnecessary amount of gore, like the Scream series, Valentine or I Know What You Did Last Summer, will probably be the only ones that actually enjoy this movie. It is however quite satisfying seeing a shotgun-wielding Carrie Fisher, and Audrina Patridge get offed in the first 10 minutes of the film. It doesn’t add anything new to the genre, however is entertaining enough to rent if you’re just wanting a horror movie without the abhorrently graphic gore that My Bloody Valentine and many of today’s horror movies include.

Everybody’s Fine – A (Gotta Rent)
Everybody’s Fine might be the best under-the-radar film of the year. With such an all-star cast it’s hard to believe how little attention this movie has got as the script and acting are fantastic. Robert De Niro reveals another layer to his acting repertoire playing a recent widower struggling to keep his family intact. When his children aren’t able to make it to a planned get together, he takes it upon himself to travel across the country and surprise them. His performance is nothing short of Oscar worthy as he exudes so much emotion in his undying love for his family. His children, played by Kate Beckinsale, Drew Barrymore and Sam Rockwell all give great supporting performances doing everything in their power to protect their father from feeling any pain from the truth of what their lives have become. The family portrayal is very realistic and believable and doesn’t seem to be fabricated just for the big screen. It’s very heartfelt, at times tear jerking and shouldn’t be missed.

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