Thursday, June 18, 2009

DVD releases May 5th ON REVIEW

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - A+ (Gotta Own)

Benjamin Button was my choice as Best Picture of this year. I thought it should have beat Slumdog Millionaire for the Oscar. Everything about this movie was superb, the acting, the cinematography, and the costume design. Best of all, it was one of the most unique stories ever told. As Benjamin Button grows up backwards, you start to realize just how paralleled are old age and childhood. Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt have a perfect chemistry. I can see how some people may not like the length of the movie (about 2 hours and 40 mins.), but that would be the only downfall in my opinion. If you don’t get bored with movies at around the 2 hour mark, then this is a must-see for anyone who can appreciate a great film.

Wendy & Lucy - A (Gotta Own)

In the first of two Michelle Williams movies released this week, Wendy and Lucy is a touching tale of Williams and her dog Lucy. Definitely an Indie film, this one will go under the radar to most viewers. Michelle Williams gives the best acting performance of her career. This film is a very “real” film, since while you are watching it you don’t necessarily notice that it is a movie at all. Its story is something that could happen to anyone, and the mood of it comes across as just watching someone’s life play out, and not a contrived story to sell tickets. This is one of the best unknown films of the year and if you’re interested in seeing a movie based on its writing and acting and not centered on a multi-million dollar budget, then try this.

Last Chance Harvey - B+ (Gotta Rent)

Dustin Hoffman in his first non-children’s movie in a few years does a fantastic job as an older man seemingly losing everything important in his life. That is until he meets Emma Thompson, who begins to change the way he looks at life. Both do a great job and are perfectly cast in their roles. Last Chance Harvey would best be described as a Romantic Drama with some classy comedic elements. I would say its biggest and possibly only downfall is the fact that the trailer gives away pretty much the entire storyline from start to finish. The few “surprises” in the movie are pretty obvious and it never really keeps you guessing as to what will happen next. Overall it’s a better than average movie and is a great rental.

Incendiary - B (Gotta Rent)

In Michelle Williams’s 2nd movie of the week, she shows yet again that she is a premier actress in Hollywood. Co-starring Ewan McGregor (an actor whom I actually dislike quite a bit) Incendiary starts off insinuating that will be a thriller about a torrid affair and the lives it affects. However, it quickly turns into a drama in which Williams shines as she deals with the death of her family. There are a few subplots that I felt should have been focused more upon, and a few that should have been cut altogether. It was a good movie overall, however I don’t think it lived up to its potential. At one point the writer should have been told to consolidate the storylines and just make one exceptional story and not multiple decent ones.

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