Thursday, June 18, 2009

DVD releases May 19th ON REVIEW

Valkyrie - A- (Gotta Rent)

I’ll be the first one to criticize Tom Cruise, as he is definitely one of my least favorite actors. However, he shines in Valkyrie, a true story based on one of the greatest heroes of all-time. Cruise plays the Colonel that tried, and nearly succeeded in assassinating Adolf Hitler during WWII. Valkyrie is a rare film that keeps you on the edge of your seat even though you know exactly how it will end; since from the opening credits it’s a forgone conclusion that Hitler lives and that the attempt on his life fails. Alongside Cruise is a great ensemble of supporting cast members. None of them tries to outshine the other and all play their particular roles with ease. This film will definitely make you want to find out more about Germany’s own attempt to end its Holocaust.

My Bloody Valentine - D (Don't Bother)

This remake of the 1981 slasher of the same name almost is required to be watched in 3-d. Nothing else about this film makes it unique at all, and doesn’t separate it from any other horror movie that’s been made. However, with the 3-d glasses this film is actually quite cool. The 3-d aspect really grabs your attention and puts you in the movie. Without the glasses however, this falls flat on its own pickaxe. The picture is incredibly blurry and really makes you want to just look away the entire movie and just listen to the gore. If certain filming techniques such as the “shaky” camera make you queasy, then this will push you over the edge. Definitely worth a watch with the glasses, don’t even bother if you can’t get a hold of a pair.

Paul Blart: Mall Cop - B- (Gotta Rent)

If you enjoy Kevin James in Hitch or his T.V. show King of Queens then you’ll likely find this movie funny and entertaining. There is nothing special about this movie and is entirely carried by the humor and comic genius of Kevin James. It’s a good comedy for the whole family to watch, although if you’re expecting to laugh out loud the whole time you’ll be disappointed. I’m actually quite confused as to how this movie grossed nearly 150 million dollars during its run in theaters. That being said it’s a fun, mindless comedy that is worth a watch if you do not want to think about anything and just stare thoughtlessly at the television for an hour and a half or so.

Fanboys - B+ (Wait for It)

The best way to describe this film is directly in the title itself. “Fanboys” of nerdy movies like Star Wars and Star Trek, or those who have an inner geek will find this as a must-see. The story plays out as a group of friends going on a road trip to steal the first cut of The Phantom Menace months before it’s released to the world. Hands-down the best part of this movie is all of the cameos by everyone from the Star Wars cast to Kevin Smith to multiple characters played by Seth Rogen. This film was supposed to be released 2 years ago, however it was delayed multiple times to work on re-shoots and editing of the story. The minor amount of drama in the film is a good addition and brings the whole thing together (not to mention makes the idea of the plot actually make sense). After seeing the first trailer more than two years ago, I can say that it was worth the editing as I found it very funny.

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