Wednesday, June 17, 2009

DVD releases April 7th ON REVIEW

Doubt - A- (Gotta Rent)

Doubt, which was nominated for 5 academy awards mainly for acting, deserved every one of them. The acting by Streep, Hoffman and Amy Adams is fantastic. This film, although a little slow, has some of the best character development I’ve seen. Its strongest asset is also one of its key weaknesses however, as the entire plot and conflict revolves around it and no outside plotline ever comes into play. It has a lot of relevance in today’s society and is a must-see for everyone.

The Day the Earth Stood Still - D (Don't Bother)

One of the worst remakes I’ve ever seen. It takes all of the great elements out of the original and replaces it with Michael Bay like action scenes. The relationship between the alien and the mother/son in the original is all but gone and instead is a bunch of pointless CGI and special effects. Only see it if you love effects and action and have little care for any sort of storyline.

The Tale of Despereaux - B (Gotta Rent)

In a year filled with animated movies such as Wall-E and Kung Fu Panda, this one certainly got lost among them. It has above average animation and a heart-warming story. It’s big downfall (and perhaps the cause of it becoming lost in the shuffle) is the fact that it’s yet another movie about rodents. With Ratatouille and Flushed Away having been released just over a year ago I’m a little tired of mice and rats being the characters. Even still, it’s a well made movie and a good one to get for the kids.

Bedtime Stories - B+ (Gotta Rent)

In Adam Sandler’s best movie since Click, this fun light-hearted movie is actually quite a joy to watch. It’s a cute and witty movie about an uncle watching his niece and nephew and telling them stories. The stories start seemingly coming true and provide some good laughs. With a nice ensemble of good actors this proves to be another good comedy the whole family will enjoy.

Yes Man - A- (Gotta Own)

Personally this was one of my favorite comedies of the year. The trailer doesn’t do the movie the justice it deserves. It makes it seem like it’s just another Liar Liar but it is far from it. I thought it was a laugh out loud movie with Jim Carrey at his best. Despite the mildly awkward 18 year age difference between Carrey and Zooey Deschanel they had great chemistry. Only someone who just cannot stand Jim Carrey should skip this as it is hilarious.

Donkey Punch - C (Wait for it)

This movie is something else. It takes a really long time to reveal just what kind of film it’s trying to be. It almost tries to be 3 different genres all at once; a little bit of teen party movie, suspenseful thriller, and even a typical run-of-the-mill slasher film all in one. It doesn’t do any of them great, but all of them are mediocre. With some unknown actors and an independent film label it does the best with what it has to work with.

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