Monday, September 7, 2009

DVD Releases September 8th ON REVIEW

Crank 2 - B- (Wait for It)
After you get over the fact that they made a sequel to the first Crank, following its ending that seemingly didn’t leave a possible storyline for a sequel; you’ll realize that Crank 2 is the most random, over-the-top film of the year, if not the decade. From start to finish it charges ahead at full throttle and never once lets up. Crank 2 is one of the most insane movies you’ll ever watch, throwing “believability” even further out the window than the first one (which is honestly what made the first one good), and creating scenes that you couldn’t even think up. I give this a B- because only big fans of the first film (or Jason Statham’s other films such as the Transporter trilogy) will enjoy it as everyone else will think its one of the worst movies of the year. It’s not as good as the first one, but fans of crazy and random action movies will probably love it.

State of Play - A- (Gotta Rent)
State of Play is one of the better movies of the year as it immediately grabs your attention and never lets go. Starring Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirren and Ben Affleck (who is actually tolerable in this role), State of Play is a political crime drama from a journalist’s perspective. An adaptation from a BBC series, it has just enough twists and doesn’t have any unnecessary scenes or plotlines. Just when you think you know what will happen next, a perfect curveball is thrown your way. The entire cast does a great job as is the direction from Last King of Scotland director Kevin Macdonald. It’s quite a shame that this was such a box office disappointment because it’s easily one of the top 20 movies of the year. State of Play is definitely not worth just one watch but multiple viewings.

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